I am cranky. I got up just after 8 AM to do laundry. I don't do anything that early, but I have exactly one pair of clean undies left. I avoided laundry all weekend because I figured it would be busy and I could do it during the week. And of course, as I enter the laundry room at 8:40 AM, there's a guy loading up both machines. Stupid guy. Who does their laundry at 8:40 AM on a Wednesday? I thought I was safe, but noooooo. And he didn't even speak enough English to understand "Are you using both machines?" and "Do you have more to do after this?" All he could say was, "I think you come back, one hour." Stupid foreigners and their doing laundry at the time my tax-paying red-blooded American self wants to do laundry. I am now a firm believer that all immigrants should be sent to Mexico, whether or not they came from there in the first place.

I also now hate young people. Yesterday in my fiction class (I'm in the next level for summer school) there was a kid, maybe 19, who spoke in a way I am clearly not young or hip enough to understand. First he was talking about "summer camp" and I thought he meant like "Kumbaya" and s'mores, but no, apparently it is a big concert thing. Then he and another kid in the class were discussing some band that's coming to play at the House of Blues, and Mr. Hip was saying "We've been trying to get them to play [insert local indie venue here] instead." So I asked who "we" was, thinking perhaps he was part of some interesting group of project.
"You know, like, family, like, the family and stuff."
"Oh, is your family involved with [local indie venue]?"
He was kind enough to explain to me that "family" is just slang for the group, like his fellow cooler-than-me people - a truly royal We. Then later in a word game he used the word "Deemster."

When did I get so fucking old?
Then last night my neighbors were out with tiki torches, cigarettes, loudness, and half a dozen friends until after 1 AM. Yes, I am usually wide awake at 1 AM, but I'd tried to go to bed before midnight with the intention of getting up early to do laundry.
In conclusion, I hate young people.