Thursday, April 19, 2007

nerding off

Facebook message I just sent the guy who bought me a drink at Nerd Dating last night:
God bless the internet and stalking made easy. It's a little creepy, really. I was sending [Friend of mine he knew in college] an email about a recent run-in with a mutual acquaintance of ours and the fact that I met "a guy named [Guy's Name]" who knew her peripherally at [College]. "A guy named [Guy's Name]" wasn't too specific, so I figured I'd do a cursory Facebook search of [College] grads named [Name] in the Chicago network. It took 12 seconds, and there you were. I feel like a stalker, but I'm telling myself that if I send you a message instead of quietly lurking on your profile, all creepiness will magically disappear. And please pardon the nose prints on the outside of your bedroom window--I forgot to bring my windex.
I think I'm soooo funny.
In sober retrospect, last night was fun. I'm incredibly proud of myself for going a) at all and b)alone after my stylist ditched out on me. I did respectably well but lost twice at Balderdash. There were a good number of non-creepy intellectual nerds, most of which were surprisingly not all computer-science-types. The guys came alone and the girls came in pairs. I'd say the average male age was five years older than the average female age and a number of the guys were lurky nerds, but there were a few who seemed completely decent. All in all, I'm glad I went, even if I didn't end up engaged to someone who legally changed his last name to "Skywalker."

I crashed tonight from around 7-11 PM. Now I have writing to do for tomorrow, so as long as I'm up, I'll try to do it now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg i think you're funny, too.
nose prints. you kill me.


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