NBF has returned from London. I'm at his apartment and he is asleep, sprawled out with his dog. It's pretty cute. He's entitled, as it is 6 AM in his head. I'm glad he's back (though he's not), but I do hope I continue being social with people who aren't him. I'm just socially lazy. It's bad, because I enjoy it when I get out there and see people and make friends, but if I can get my human contact without actually bothering to extend myself, I do.

Last weekend, I went to Mr. Mustache*'s parents' house in Pennsylvania. Birdy and Kaufman* were there and it was awesomely amazing. I love them all nine times. And since they all mostly knew me during one of my bigger, badder, Dark Icky Depressions, it was really nice being able to see them with my head out of the pit. Once I'm done with this whole college thing, I need to find a job out in NYC or at least somewhere on the east coast.

My latest introspection and extro-spection: I have an uncanny ability to be completely and utterly adored by boys without them feeling any romantic attraction at all. I love having my boy_friends, but it would be nice if one occasionally had interest in me as a Girl. I do not understand it at all. Do I lack pheromones? That can't be it, since I have been known to attract Boypeople who don't know me that well. Perhaps my Innermost-Being is lovable but not attractive. Like an adored pet or family member. I don't know. Do you?
*Don't like your code names? Too bad. Unless you suggest something better.
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