so copy paste, baby.
The barometer in my head is going nuts. I hate this weather. My dog has also been less than happy, particularly when he saw the turtle wandering around in its cage.
My grandma called me yesterday to thank me for the little stuffed dog I sent her in the mail. Also my parents are on vacation so she didn't have my mom to talk to and I think she decided I'm the next best thing. For as much as I complain about my own mother, my grandmother is at least 100 times more difficult. I don't think I've had a single conversation with her in the past year during which she didn't bring up her greatest regret in life: never going to college. And everything she says is either a blatant or a thinly veiled complaint. I've learned to plaster her comments with Shiny Happy Optimism, but I think that's more to keep myself out of her self-enforced wretched abyss than anything else. After all, the woman has been saying "At my age, you don't buy bulk packs of toilet paper any more because, well, you never know!" for almost 20 years. In that time, she could have saved a lot on toilet paper.
Stupid stupid head. How many chemicals do I have to feed you before you shut up?
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