Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quick bullets to catch up with possible expanded stories later:
  • I tried out for Wheel of Fortune. I was awesome. I won't find out if I made the show or not for another two weeks.
  • I made new friends on my hallways when one of them was almost mugged at 2 AM on a Sunday night/Monday morning
  • I'm now also friends with the substitute mail lady
  • and a pedophile
  • Classes start next week and I haven't signed up yet, but I plan to take prose forms and that's it since I'm still having lots of migraines

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, one of my teachers has some stuff in a show right now, & i was looking at it online because i don't know how to get to the gallery & am too lazy/scared to try... and his bio says that he lives in your city and teaches at your school.
not my city & my school. yours! girl, we are so connected.
(for the record, he's only been here a year longer than me, but you would think that they'd have changed the bio/taken him off of adjunct faculty there by now.. yes, he is still listed at your school's site.)


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