Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sucky Me Off

Why would you ever, after lasting maybe 90 seconds, assume that your partner is hunky-dory? I don't understand it. Nor do I understand the amazement when I don't let the offender off the hook. I suppose this is why and how such offenders exist and continue to exist long after the sexual revolution and Cosmo and the internet. But dammit, you do not get anything else nor are you going anywhere until you at least make an attempt at getting me off. I'm not demanding two hours of advanced Kama Sutra here.

Boy I slept with totally sucks and now I want him to go away. Really he was annoying the hell out of me before I even slept with him and I knew I was using him from pretty early on in things. But he got exponentially more annoying the more time I spent with him. And while at first I feared I was pulling a "don't want to be part of any club that would have me for a member," it became abundantly clear that I just don't find him interesting and I was using him but he was boring and not very good for the using and now I want him to go away. And I'd feel worse about being the Bicked Bitch of the Best, but he's not even a particularly good person and is a total universal taker and if anything needs a good smacking upside the head. So now I have to figure out how to get rid of him because he clearly doesn't see things the same way and I'm done. No more. Not even worth using anymore. He smells. Literally. Not just smoker stinky but also unwashed stinky. Stinky stinky.

On the plus side, now my confidence is up and I can pursue better, cuter, less smelly boys. Hopefully without having to hack this one to death with a machete first.

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