Sunday, May 10, 2009

lure me not

Saturday's temptations and desires, in approximate order:
  1. kill NBF
  2. just keep NBF in some state of half-strangle, half-hug forever
  3. kill parents
  4. puke
  5. fill stomach but puke at the same time
  6. puke
  7. decorate condo with everything in sight, or exact opposite of everything in sight, depending on sight
  8. disassociate self from parents
  9. redo ages 20-22
  10. make other people interested in good beer
  11. start watching Saturday Night Live regularly
  12. go to random college party across the street from bed and breakfast and make up identity and story and anonymously screw random college boy
My mom wanted to spend Mother's Day with as many of her children as possible, so after much pressure she got me to agree to a weekend trip to my brother's college. "Just one night" she emphasized. Fine. I like my brother. I don't like long drives (it's only 4 1/2 hours, but I still get carsick and migrainey and all those lovely things my body likes to do...and I'm the girl who drove from Cleveland to Key West and back in a weekend for the hell of it...I don't know what happened). NBF moves away forever in a week and I want to spend time with him, but Mother's Day is very important to my mom and I have trouble saying "no" to her. So I'm here and it's not so terrible and I want to play "college kid" in a way I totally rejected when I actually was one. And now I want dental floss. That makes 13 major desires for the day. I think I'll leave it at that.

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