Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Night Babble

My head's been so much better lately that four sleepy headache days in a row seem bad. They're not even that terrible. These used to be considered my good days. I'm getting spoiled.

Walking dog at 12:30 AM on a Monday night/Tuesday morning, a police car turns the wrong way down my one-way street to park in front of the drug house. I wonder if it's official or unofficial business. A man dressed the way the preppy kids dressed in junior high (Adidas athletic pants, Abercrombiesque perfectly worn baseball hat) jogged down the street and I thought he looked a little off to be going for a run but you never know. Then he ran up to the police car and I thought, "In my neighborhood, black men run toward the police."

Birdie's going to be near Rockford in just over a week. I want to see her and want to make seeing her work.

I have every right to be annoyed by Neighbor Guy. I might do better in the future if I allow myself such annoyances as they come instead of thinking it's all in my head until they build and I want to strangle the person.

I like mangoes a lot.

I'm craving meat, but it seems a bit crazy to cook at 1 AM. Is there some wonderfully instant way to make bedtime ground beef munchies? All I wanted earlier was fruit, so I suppose my body is due for an actual meal...

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