Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Human Fractal Infinity

Body is fussy. Soul is fussy. Weather is fussy. Fuss fuss fuss.

Neighbor Guy doesn't actually speak English. He's been in the US since he was 8ish, probably speaks English better than any other language, and isn't actually stupid. Still, I don't think he speaks English. He emailed me to say he officially got one of the good jobs he's been trying to get and to see if I was feeling ok because he rang my doorbell and I didn't answer. I emailed him back to say congratulations and no, I wasn't feeling ok. His response: "I'm glad you're feeling better."


Does he completely ignore reality and operate entirely in the world of what he wishes? Like The Secret on crack? It would explain a lot.

Human beings are complicated. We have so many different aspects. Different relationships and interactions satisfy different pieces, pieces of pieces, blah blah blah fractal infinity.

1 comment:

hds said...

people like to ask questions and not listen to the answer.
i'm glad you're feeling better, too.


love you & sending you warm fuzzies.


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