Sunday, November 22, 2009


Neighbor Guy is certifiably nuts. He's still obsessed with his ex-husband from seven years ago and talks about him all the time but then says he doesn't talk or think about the ex and is totally over him, he just made me the beneficiary of his life insurance because he didn't want anyone to have to fly out to Chicago to collect the money, he spent a few drunken hours with Possible Boy's friend and decided she's on her way to a psychotic breakdown and he's going to do an intervention. The last few days I've felt like Neighbor Guy is too much bonkers for me to handle. If we were dating, I'd break up with him. "I'm sorry, but this is turning into a very unhealthy relationship. You need to get help and I am not that help." Apparently his work offers free counseling/therapy. I told him he has to go. If he doesn't have a therapist by next weekend I'm going to stop talking to him. I told him that jokingly, but I don't think I'm joking anymore. It's what will work with him, and maybe he'll get a good therapist and get better and I won't have to kill him for the life insurance money.

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