Monday, August 23, 2010

Sun Ray Sting Ray

It's beautiful out. I tried to help pack the car and the sun stabbed me in the eyeballs. I was and still am wearing my giant sunglasses. I came back in and still felt it piercing all the way through the inside of my skull. I couldn't complete a sentence. I still feel it. I want to hold on until HDS leaves. Then it will be silent again and I can bury my head in my pillow and my dog can curl up in any room he wants. I will have as long as I need to be alone; this is my human contact time and the end of my HDS time and my chance to soak it up, pain or not.

If I still feel like this tomorrow, maybe I'll go to the migraine clinic for extra shots. Too many days of really bad.

Whine whine whine.

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