Today I only left my apartment to walk the dog. That was dumb. I did get a few things done, but I get stir-crazy.

My computer is being stupid again with the power cord not staying properly so I either have to hold it or get it "just so" and then leave it to charge. It's making me a bit nuts, but I don't want to call HP until I've backed everything up and I can't back everything up until I get a flash drive, so the real solution is to get a flash drive, but that is expensive and I'm hoping to get my phone sex check first. Almost $200. Then the Fashion Police check for almost $600 should follow shortly. Then I can monetarily breathe a bit again.
Exciting email I just got: the writer/improver girl from the fashion police gig knows a editor and offered to "hook me up." I already responded with the official "hell yes," as that would be a very good way to start publishing my phone sex schtick. Sure, it's not the New Yorker, but Playboy (even .com) is pretty damn good and perhaps more up the topical alley, and I could probably use it as a jumping-off point for turning it into a book if I so desire. I don't want to jinx anything, but this feels like things falling into place, or at least something in the right direction.

Last night E and I went to the aquarium open house and it was awesome and we got to pet a shark and see the baby beluga (which is now kind of shedding and gross looking, but it's still cool) and look at all sorts of behind-the-scenes stuff and watch them feed caiman lizards and the anaconda and I am the biggest dork ever. It's funny, I don't even like fish that much, but I
love the aquarium. I really do. It makes me giddy.
My scalp is all itchy. No dandruff, but itchy. Any suggestions?
stick your head in the water?
laptop power source cords are a pain in the ass. there's got to be a better design then all the ones they've already done that are CRAPPY.
hope the playboy thing works out, 'cause that would be fucking awesome.
oh, yay Playboy! yay things coming together! good luck with that
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