A few weeks ago, my brother hurt his right wrist in soccer. It still hurt, so this week he finally went to have it checked out. It's broken, and he has to be in a cast for three months. He's right handed. Now, he's sick, too, complete with feaver and chills. If he's not careful, he will soon replace me as Family Member Most Likely To Be Picked Off By Wolves. Poor kid.
After work last night my boss and I went out for dinner. I really like her. It's a little strange hanging out and being friends with both her and SUC so seperately, especially since right now I think I'm spending more awake time with each of them than they are with eachother, and they live together. But they are exceptionally busy people and I happen to be a part of each of their unshared activities. For the month of November, I will see one of the other of them at least 24 of the 30 days. Crazy.

I do a little bit suck for not having done the things I was going to do today. So perhaps my big laundry day will become a load of blacks and undies so I won't have to be naked at work this coming week. I just have to get off my ass and actually do that. I'm on a bit of a down-swing. Someone at work was talking about the full moon and "Mercury in retrograde" and how that means we're all out of whack. I'd rather blame daylight savings and my parents, but whatever it is, it's indeed whack. I did get one big huge thing done that I've been putting off for a very long time, so that's a big monkey off my back. Take that, monkey!
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