Good day in improv class - I was "on" for once, instead of my usual mediocrity. Spent all day with people from class and went to a movie with Mr. Aluminum and another classmate I haven't really talked about before. He's a physical therapist from Miami with a "hey baby"/smooth operator/wheeler-dealer personality. The three of us saw
Children of Men. I think I liked it, but there was a lot of slightly shaky camera work and a whole scene on a boat, so I was extremely motion sick through the second half of the movie and had to run to the bathroom to puke when it was over. Yes, I am extremely lame and should have been picked off by wolves years ago. I'm still moderately nauseous and will now crawl into bed and try to sleep it off before I have to be at work tomorrow by
8 AM. Bite me, 8 AM.
1 comment:
Is it safe to assume that you never made it through the shakiness of The Blair Witch Project? (hurl)
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