Not cancer. It was just a virus. So
completely lame and crazy that there were two months of scariness and a nice scar for a virus that was no big deal.

They need to figure out better faster ways of telling if things are cancer. I know too many people who have had fairly major surgery to remove things that turned out not to be cancer. For as advanced as modern medicine is in certain things, there are others that seem so Dark Ages. I have pictures of my brain but the only way to tell what anything unusual is made out of is to chop it open. We can prevent all sorts of diseases but not the common cold. We can save people from Cancer but it usually involves lots of radiation and hair loss and puking and general misery. Too bad I have no interest in pursuing medicine because humanity has so far to go and there are so many useful things waiting to be discovered. Instead, I just want to add to the global overstock of words and books.
I'm having a migraine again. This weather may be nice and temperate for a Chicago January but the weird pressure changes (plus general life stress and last night's revelry with E*) do not make my brain very happy.
*E the person, not the illegal substance
you want to know what i think? i think they can tell. i think they can be pretty sure by running some tests and extracting some stuff. but cancer is fucking tricky. and doctors are scared. if they are fairly certain it's not cancer and (OOPS!) it turns out it is... well... that's a pretty big oops they don't want to be "responsible" for.
that's what i think.
my sister had all kinds of lymph nodes removed, and it does suck, but i'm really glad to know for sure that she doesn't and never did have lymphoma. maybe they should just do the whole process quicker, you know? not enough time to stew & worry about it. just rip that shit out and look at it & ta-dah. 2 day process. 3 tops.
probably not many doctors would want to work in my hospital. they'd be treated like nurses are now. hm. that's a totally different can of worms. :)
sorry so wordy. i'm taking lots of tylenol & should pass out here at work any moment.
okay, there has to be an easier way. i think there is. i really do.
see, my friend's sister had cancer as a child. since then, she has been tested every year. then she had a baby, and shortly thereafter started getting really sick. after about 16 years of no cancer, she had it again. stress of pregnancy and childbirth? perhaps. was she unable to be tested while pregnant? maybe so. maybe they would have caught it quicker. but you see... there has to be a non-removal way to determine these things... because if a person has no symptoms, how do you know what to take out and analyze?
i also think that there are already better (or at least more effective) treatments. they're just really really scary & nobody will say, "ok, let's use this in people & try it out." if you think about it, anything that attacks cells like that has to be pretty dangerous. they're not willing to take the risk, even though a few people who may be fatally ill anyway (that sounds bad) are willing.
i imagine there is much paperwork involved in being part of medical research.
mygosh i'm wordy. someone talk to me, please!
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