No CIF tonight :-(
Couldn't weasel a ticket. Now I get to stay home and mope.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I do not like it when people feed my serious abandonment issues, particularly as the result of their own drunken mis-remembrance of things. Fortunately, I may be going to the Chicago Improv Festival tonight (assuming I can weasle a ticket, as the show is completely sold out), and that ought to cheer me up.
Friday, April 27, 2007

my dog
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Inebriated notes on a concert
VNV Nation concert.
I went as a willing tourist. Woohoo! Quite different from Josh Ritter.
"Just because you're wearing black doesn't mean you're dead yet!"
I have a number of new best friends. With a little alcohol and live music, everybody is your best friend.
I stopped two fights. Both involved the same guy. I knew none of the people involved, but get a bit of booze in me and I am the greatest peacemaker ever. It is my duty to maintain harmony across the universe. Obviously.
I was surrounded by androgynous and androgynouser, lesbians galore, couples with overprotective boyfriends and their drunk girlfriends chatting it up, and at least two half-chubbies in my back as I was dancing. Yee-fuckin'-haw.
I went as a willing tourist. Woohoo! Quite different from Josh Ritter.
"Just because you're wearing black doesn't mean you're dead yet!"
I have a number of new best friends. With a little alcohol and live music, everybody is your best friend.
I stopped two fights. Both involved the same guy. I knew none of the people involved, but get a bit of booze in me and I am the greatest peacemaker ever. It is my duty to maintain harmony across the universe. Obviously.
I was surrounded by androgynous and androgynouser, lesbians galore, couples with overprotective boyfriends and their drunk girlfriends chatting it up, and at least two half-chubbies in my back as I was dancing. Yee-fuckin'-haw.
Monday, April 23, 2007
My stomach has been very cranky for almost two weeks now with no other symptoms. I'm not sure if I'm reacting to the Activia stuff or if I have an ulcer or what. But it's being weird gassy stabby a lot and it is not comfortable.
I've been writing a lot all weekend and even more today. I have a big thing due in fiction tonight that I'm not happy with at all yet, but I also brought a number of other things I've been writing for that class to a place where I am significantly happier.
I've been writing a lot all weekend and even more today. I have a big thing due in fiction tonight that I'm not happy with at all yet, but I also brought a number of other things I've been writing for that class to a place where I am significantly happier.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
wake up
My landlord (or actually and agent of my landlord, since my landlord is a large company) just woke me up at 8 am on a Saturday morning to serve me a written notice that my rent is overdue. I thought I'd mailed it. This is something I have a lot of trouble with: paying bills that require a physical check to be mailed every month. It's why I have everything else set up with direct debit and I rely a lot on my Microsoft Money. When I was working at the theater I would hand deliver the rent on my way to work, which helped a lot, but now I'm never over there and here I am screwing up again. I don't know why this is so hard for me, but it's like there is a piece missing from my brain. Now I've got to go down to the office today to hand deliver it because I think three weeks is late enough. Ugh. Not a nice way to wake up.
Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007
nerding off
Facebook message I just sent the guy who bought me a drink at Nerd Dating last night:
In sober retrospect, last night was fun. I'm incredibly proud of myself for going a) at all and b)alone after my stylist ditched out on me. I did respectably well but lost twice at Balderdash. There were a good number of non-creepy intellectual nerds, most of which were surprisingly not all computer-science-types. The guys came alone and the girls came in pairs. I'd say the average male age was five years older than the average female age and a number of the guys were lurky nerds, but there were a few who seemed completely decent. All in all, I'm glad I went, even if I didn't end up engaged to someone who legally changed his last name to "Skywalker."
I crashed tonight from around 7-11 PM. Now I have writing to do for tomorrow, so as long as I'm up, I'll try to do it now.
God bless the internet and stalking made easy. It's a little creepy, really. I was sending [Friend of mine he knew in college] an email about a recent run-in with a mutual acquaintance of ours and the fact that I met "a guy named [Guy's Name]" who knew her peripherally at [College]. "A guy named [Guy's Name]" wasn't too specific, so I figured I'd do a cursory Facebook search of [College] grads named [Name] in the Chicago network. It took 12 seconds, and there you were. I feel like a stalker, but I'm telling myself that if I send you a message instead of quietly lurking on your profile, all creepiness will magically disappear. And please pardon the nose prints on the outside of your bedroom window--I forgot to bring my windex.I think I'm soooo funny.

I crashed tonight from around 7-11 PM. Now I have writing to do for tomorrow, so as long as I'm up, I'll try to do it now.
nerd dating,
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
over the outfluence
I'd swear my life over to a regimen of pill-popping uppers and downers if I thought it would make any difference. But a day like today, during which I stayed consistently conscious from 8:45 AM onward and partook of a bit too much tequila starting around 8 PM, proves that my body likes to be awake between midnight and 4 AM, regardless of its activities and consumed substances leading up to that point.
I went Nerd Dating. It was fun. I'll be better able to quantify and quality the fun tomorrow, when booze buzz will no longer be a factor, but I played Balderdash twice and a cute intellectual nerd type boy bought me a drink.
Ok, sleeping is not working, but apparently writing isn't either. I'll just drink my delicious but scary green superfood sludge and stare at the dog until I have to get up and go to class.
If the KKK got its own Ben and Jerry's flavor, I think it would be called White (Chocolate) Supremacy.
I went Nerd Dating. It was fun. I'll be better able to quantify and quality the fun tomorrow, when booze buzz will no longer be a factor, but I played Balderdash twice and a cute intellectual nerd type boy bought me a drink.
Ok, sleeping is not working, but apparently writing isn't either. I'll just drink my delicious but scary green superfood sludge and stare at the dog until I have to get up and go to class.
If the KKK got its own Ben and Jerry's flavor, I think it would be called White (Chocolate) Supremacy.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
crunchy time
I am taking the Activia challenge, which sounds much more impressive and proactive than it is. All it means is that I'm eating an overpriced yogurt every day for two weeks and hoping it makes my digestive system less fucked up.
I need more hours in a day. I finished my taxes but I have to go mail them and I haven't gone to the Verison store to deal with my phone yet, and my class starts in two hours. Perhaps more would have been accomplished had I not fallen back asleep for three hours this afternoon, but I'm back on the caffeine and haven't had my fix today. And my dog is in uber-whiny mode, which is a shame because he's just so cute and we had several good walks yesterday.
My internet is back up in my apartment, but I'm afraid to say anything lest I jinx it.
Sunny sent me this. Now I have to get married like 7 times.
I need more hours in a day. I finished my taxes but I have to go mail them and I haven't gone to the Verison store to deal with my phone yet, and my class starts in two hours. Perhaps more would have been accomplished had I not fallen back asleep for three hours this afternoon, but I'm back on the caffeine and haven't had my fix today. And my dog is in uber-whiny mode, which is a shame because he's just so cute and we had several good walks yesterday.
My internet is back up in my apartment, but I'm afraid to say anything lest I jinx it.
Sunny sent me this. Now I have to get married like 7 times.
computer issues,
phone issues,
Sunday, April 15, 2007

I should have more to say, but right now, I don't.
computer issues,
phone issues,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
invisible forces

I think I am being stalked by an invisible force field of electromagneticstaticradio waves that is messing with my head and all electronic devices I use. My phone currently holds its charge for about 30 minutes of conversation before its 12 seconds of warning and then shutting off mid-conversation. My computer refuses to work with any internet inside my apartment (even with the code from my neighbor, it works for about 4 minutes every three days) and also won't hold a charge for more than 20 minutes. The Einstein Bagels by my apartment that's supposed to have wireless also wouldn't work and the manager didn't know what I meant by the "access code," even when I used small, nontechnical words. My brain will not behave itself for more than a week at a time before it thwacks me with yet another spring weather/pressure/stress migraine. These things are making me crazy, and keeping me from you, my precious blog.
Updates on the things that need to be updated:

Since New York, my life has been: sleep, write, eat, watch TV, poke dog, repeat.
Yeesh, so many things I must do while I have internet. I am very dependent on it these days. Butt.
computer issues,
New York
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