Monday, June 18, 2007


Last night I went out to Tru with my family for a combination of Mother's Day, Father's Day, and my siblings' graduations. I had a stressful time getting there (thank you motherfuckingCTA, rain, bad shoes, and my own frazzledness causing me to wander in circles for 15 minutes within two blocks of the restaurant), then ate too much fabulous food and drank too much fabulous champagne and wine. As a result, I spent today completely zonked out with a weird dizzy migraine. Around midnight I was functional enough to go get some iced coffee, and now I'm trying desperately to write my stupid paper for my stupid civil rights class. It doesn't have to be good or very long, but it's been four years since I've written an academic paper and I'm very slow and out of practice. It is due tomorrow (now technically today). Due by class time (1 PM) on Tuesday is a 30 page draft of my parody of Bartleby the Scrivener. And how many pages do I have of that, you ask? 5! So pulling an all-nighter to work on my stupid class instead of working on the important thing for my major seems completely ridiculous, but I've been working for hours with extremely minimal fucking-around time and I'm only about half way through the information I plan to include in this stupid piece of crap. It doesn't help that I'm still quite woozy (weather? migraine? coffee and drugs took the edge off but not destroy the fog in my head) and incapable of keeping a single thought in my head for any length of time. This is the shit that chased me away from school the first time. I hate this shit. But this time I will actually do it and turn it in instead of running away completely. I have no doubt that I will actually be able to finish the civil rights paper, and then the only things I am doing tomorrow are going to class, going to the gym (I'll have to make it quick), and working on the parody. And however many pages I have of the parody by Tuesday is perfectly acceptable because the final thing isn't due until Thursday and I won't have anything better to do before then. The real reason to have a full draft by Tuesday is to get feedback on it before turning in the final product.

Just. So. Bonkers. I may need to go puke now.

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