Pondering for the night: Secrets. Particularly unnecessary secrets. We all have them, but why? Sometimes we think we're keeping someone from getting hurt. Sometimes things become secrets by accident, like if you don't tell a person something right away and then feel obligated to continue not telling them. My personal favorite of those was when I was in fourth grade and I went to a friend's house and her mom forgot that she had CCD class that day so I ended up going with her to the church and reading in a pew. I wasn't trying
not to tell my parents, but they didn't ask me much about how the play-date went. A few days passed and something came up in conversation that made me want to say something about "yeah, when I was at Meghan's church," but it seemed like I couldn't bring it up
now having not mentioned it before. Next thing I knew I had this weird little secret.
But my real curiosity for the night is when a person keeps secrets just for the sake of having secrets, like he needs there to be pieces of himself no one knows, even if they're completely mundane. I've noticed one friend of mine tends to do this, with different secrets for different people, and every time he admits some deep dark piece of himself, he ends up getting secretive and weird about truly asinine things, like plans to hang out with other friends.
Ok, so I am guessing at motivation here, but this is
my blog and I get to be the narrator and within this little world, what I say goes. So this person's secret-keeping is a habit and a way for him to feel like he's in control.
God I love being the narrator.
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