Sunday, October 28, 2007

One of the most frustrating things about my migraines is losing my independence. I need to go to the grocery store right now but I really can't drive myself and NBF is "busy" with his stupid crap and my mom is driving by not that far from my apartment soon so I broke down and asked her to come pick me up, take me to the grocery store, and bring me home again. But when I've had to fight so hard over the years to prove myself independent and capable to her, it makes having to ask her for help feel like defeat instead of just an inconvenience. Hopefully I'm making all that as clear as humanly possible, but it's been a long battle and I'm in too much physical pain and too drained to deal with it right now. It hurts and I'm sick of it and I'm hungry and nauseous and crying and making myself worse and explaining and rationalizing to my mother should NOT be on my list of burdens right now. I miss my friends from College Attempt #1 who were always so wonderful and helpful during my migraines. I need more people nearby who love me and understand and know how to help without stressing me out more. Stupid space-time thing. Stupid migraines. Stupid everything.

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