I'm interviewing Important Family Guy Person on Monday for my freelance class. He's being great about it, and the interview itself should not be hard. Thing that
is hard: rigging my tape recorder to record a conversation on my cell phone.
The thing that connects the recorder to the phone was $25 and only available at
Radio Shack, and now it turns out I need
another piece to connect it to my phone because my phone doesn't have a normal headset plug thing. That's another $20. I feel like if I had basic magical powers, none of this would be a problem. I would also like very much to be able to instantly teleport places, because my hour commute to school is getting annoying, even if I'm only doing it three days a week.
Other reasons to teleport:
- trying to find a "good" shoe store for NBF today and driving all over creation looking for one
- friends living in other time zones

A few weeks ago in my wellness class my teacher brought in
this thing to measure our body fat percentages so we could calculate our body's needed caloric intake. I'm 30% body fat. That's the cutoff between average and
overweight. Fuck. I'm fat. I'm still trying to get my mom's old
Nordic Track up and running, since one of the pins doesn't fit where I need it to go so the cushiony things aren't up too high, and when I used it anyway, it tried to kill me by sending my flying. I also bought a
scale that measures my body fat and hydration levels for under $9 at
Target. I think the price was a mistake, since it was the only one of its kind and the models with fewer features cost more and the comparable scales were in the $25-$45 range. I win. Now I can obsess about my weight fat percentage at home! I'm 109 lbs. I don't want to go back to my scary 90 lb days, but something a bit healthier would be nice. Particularly if I can keep my boobs. Hear that, body? Less fat, same boobs. Deal.

Ooh, why is there a firetruck outside my apartment? Yoohoo! Firemen!
I'm starting the Firemen Appreciation Society. We will wear white flowing chemises and robes and hang out windows until firemen "rescue" us, and then we will "appreciate" them. Who's with me?
Dear Annabelle,
It isnt a validtion but you need to get over the commute thing and not let it bug you. you've been spoiled so much with your easy public transit commute. As someone who is in commute 10-12 (and sometimes more) hours a week, I suggest trying to find some way to use it productively. I know you can get sick on the train but there has to be something you can manage. Then you wont hate is as much.And do not let those body fat things get to you! I dont trust the BMI or those scales and tools. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist or something if youre worried. And if it makes you feel better, i've gained like another 10 lbs..
hope to see you this weekend?
maybe just get more muscle-y. 'cause you're not fat. your body is just protecting itself from those winters! not fat.
I may not look particularly fat, but for health purposes I am, and that's kind of what matters more. Poopy.
Also, I tried knitting on the bus today and almost threw up when I got home. I need to look into audiobooks.
wait, like, motion sickness?
my male counterpart and i listen to audiobooks on long trips. there are some really good audiobooks, but there are also some really really shitty ones. in other words, don't go for a million little pieces unless you want to be throwing your discman out the bus window.
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