Tuesday, December 18, 2007

tally marks

Last night I went to bed at 1 AM. Not that late for me. Then the dog woke me up at 3 AM. I thought he wanted to go out. He didn't. I fell back asleep before too long. The next time I woke up, UPS was at the door with a package for me. It was 4 PM. Holy fuck. I had all these phone calls to make today, and I sold another item on Etsy that I wanted to mail immediately. I took a lot of Vicodin yesterday, so today I'm avoiding the stuff in case that's what zonked me, but I'm on enough pills now that it could be anything. Pills pills pills. Also, Aunt Flow is in for her monthly visit, which makes everything so much better.
The worst part? I'm exhausted and my vision's totally fucked up and the pain is "around a 6" and I just want to crawl back into bed.
Drill hole in head now, please.

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