Migraine day. Lots of sleeping and lunch at Neighbor Guy's house.
In one of my migraine dreams, I was with my family somewhere vaguely exotic and tropical. A less chartered part of the Caribbean, perhaps? The four other members of my immediate family were discussing plans to go on an evening canoe trip or something while I tried to rest on the large thatch-like bed/couch thing. There were other people milling about the cabin and I wasn't feeling well and I tried to ignore everything and everybody so I'd be ok in time to go on the non-optional evening outing.

I noticed what looked more like a zit than a wart on the bottom of my foot and started picking at it. Immediately it oozed out a semi-solid snake of pinkish puss that went from expected and thin to pencil-thick in barely a moment of squeezing. Now I was freaked out mortified and just wanted this
out of my body, so as I called for my dad the doctor I kept squeezing until it burst into a huge snot-colored anemone of moldy spaghetti squash. I screamed and jumped away from it, or as far away as I could from my own foot. I was completely disgusted and terrified, but according to my dad and the other people who knew about that sort of thing, it was really no big deal. There was a certain small parasite that, until recently, scientists though was extinct, but it had shown up a few other times recently in similar regions. The more I squeezed, the more I'd fed it, but it's otherwise not harmful and you just have to wait for it to die and/or scrape it off. As we scraped my foot, I thought to myself that we should have taken a picture first; how often does the scientific community get to see such an advanced example? I imagine most people, like me, just want it off and gone as fast as possible so very little research gets done with the parasite in action.
My foot was still quite gross and the parasite was still days away from dying, but my parents expected me to still come on the canoeing trip. I just wanted to throw up and die and lock my foot in another room, but I knew I'd have to suck it up and sit in a boat and get seasick on top of everything else.
I woke up with the moldy spaghetti squash image still ripe in my mind.
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