Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rain, Rain, A-OK

It's raining! I'm so glad it's raining! I spent all day today in my migrainy demi-coma and thought I had to re-renounce even the single glass of wine and/or products containing corn syrup I had at Other Girl's house last night, but it's raining! The exact kind of weather shift that usually knocks me out. Maybe I would have survived the day had I stuck to my strictest regiments, but add in such a big strong trigger as sloppy weather and it's much harder to say I can never eat or drink anything worthwhile ever again.

Clearer and clearer: NBF is a fucktard, this buying and selling antiques thing might actually work, Neighbor Guy is a child, I like making absolutist statements

Other Girl's dog looks just like my dog except he's tan instead of black and white and his ears bend. He also acts like my dog only minus the whole trying to kill people who enter "his" territory thing and he's less dog-aggressive. But his personality is very much like my dog's personality when we're alone, and they're the same size and shape. He even has the name my dog had when I got him from the crazy lady in Ohio. My dog is whining at me. He knows I'm writing about him and he's upset that he gets no final editorial approval.

When I sit down at my computer, I expect it to provide some sort of satisfaction. Then I'm annoyed when it doesn't. Same thing with food. There's something internet and food and television are supposed to fulfill. Except the only one that every really works is food, and that's often a shot in the dark. Maybe I'll eat frozen mango chunks and read.

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