Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good Ideas, brought to you by Technology

At 1-something AM, I was playing around on Facebook. One of the regulars from my bar messaged me. He was bartending at the bar two blocks away and it was just him and one other person and they were bored and I should totally come down there. They'd even booze me for free. I was in my pajamas and hadn't been out all day, but somehow, at 1-something AM, listening to sad music and trying not to write too many blog posts that sounded like teen-angst bathroom graffiti, I thought maybe a change of scenery would be a good idea.

It was.

40-year-old guy I'm not actually interested in buy I still find interesting was the only other person there when I showed up. He likes telling me I'm pretty and amazing and since he pays some attention to his surroundings I actually take what he says as a compliment instead of empty flattery. For all the fucked up things with the way gender roles play out in our society, at this particular moment in time, I like whatever it is that makes men spit out as much complimentary garbage as possible. I'm still always the skeptic, and I return compliments a thousand fold when I honestly believe them, but let's be honest here; at least part of me changed out of my PJs an hour before last call so I could hear boys tell me I'm pretty and all the other things I'm trying to learn to believe.

I should make stew more often. It's delicious and easy and cheap.

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