Thursday, December 03, 2009

Stupid Antisocial Dog

My head is still being stupid, but I had to walk the dog and I wanted human contact, so I tried walking him to the bar. Smoking in front of the door with some friends was the bartender least likely to ever be my friend but most likely to show up as a caricature on Saturday Night Live (and, subsequently, a person I'm glad to have performing behind the taps on slow nights).
That sentence had too many clauses. A lot of my sentences do.
Anyway, my dog being my dog cowered at the mass of cigarette-tokers guarding the door to the bar, but I tried dragging him in closer anyway. Next thing I know, I'm holding an empty leash as he bolts towards home. So much for human contact.
My dog is waiting for me around the corner, neither of us particularly concerned about the other's predilection for abandonment.
Dog reattached, we headed home. Who do we see? This uber-nerdy but very nice guy who has met my dog in the past at the bar and just crouched down and ignored my little psychopath until he was ready to sniff him. So we walk a block together while he talks more than I've ever heard him, saying life is hard right now and he's dropping out of his engineering PHD program because it's just too much. I should do full character write-ups on him and the bartender somewhere slightly less public. Or can I get away with putting them on here? Stupid public/private/anonymity/being a decent human being/covering my own ass/etc.etc.etc.

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