Monday, September 10, 2012

Feeling Better and the Pee Jug Band

My dog is whining at me for some reason. He peed in the house twice in the last two days. I don't know why, but he made sure to do it right in front of me. Jerk. I yelled at him a lot the second time. It would be much easier if he spoke English.

I'm feeling much better. I don't know why. I was feeling worse all day Friday and Saturday morning, but then by Saturday night the wooziness subsided considerably and I took a shower and went to Aural Girl and Dziwka's house, where I ate mashed potatoes and made them watch two particularly good episodes of South Park ("You're Getting Old" and "Ass Burgers"). By Sunday I was feeling worlds better, though nowhere near 100%. Then today I went to biofeedback for the first time in ages and the person running it was the extremely hot (nurse? not sure what he is actually) from the clinic. This boy is gorgeous. I want to have ten thousand of his babies now. But that's not the point. The point is I did my relaxation exercise thingies with the machine and I think that helped some, too, even though during the second half of the session my hand temperature dropped and I couldn't get it to warm up again. Tonight I actually drove to Walgreens and Target and stopped at Discovery Clothing (trashy cheap strip-mall clothing store) and didn't think I was going to crash or faint once. I win.

My internist wants me to do a 24-hour urine test, which involves peeing into a plastic urine catcher, pouring said urine into a jug, and refrigerating it. Every time I pee. For 24 hours. Then I have to drive my pee (or take it on the train...yes I will be driving it) to their office. The jug is huge--bigger than a milk jug--and bright orange. I am not looking forward to this process.

I have to call Hot Dog Sam. She was in Chicago with her baby (and her husband, but he doesn't get italics) the day I had to go into the hospital, and thanks to the hospital, I didn't get to see her. I also have to clean my fucking house. I did the dishes tonight and considered that a small win, but there is so much more to be done. Still, I have to celebrate the minor victories or I'll never be happy.

I haven't put my new school into my Facebook profile yet. With all my years of migraines and weeks of weird illness, I'm afraid to jinx it.

Hopefully Aural Girl will be available tomorrow for shoe shopping. I am broke, but I need shoes to go with my dress for the wedding. Feeling good at that wedding is kind of a priority right now. I have to turn it into a happy thought.

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