Bleh. I really wanted to go out and DO something tonight, but oh well. Tomorrow is my last day of this session of my improv class and NBF wants to do something after, so my social tendencies will just have to wait.

I've been knitting a lot today. It's a very pretty scarf that has no intended recipient as of yet. Any of my female friends in need of a scarf? Or male friends who want a really girly scarf? Trouble is most of the people I'd consider giving it to require me to mail it, and that's a pain. I gave E a scarf for Chranukah last year and I'm not sure I'm at the gift-giving level of friendship yet with my improv class female friends. I was actually thinking about this the other day: most of my local friends are boys again. Not that it's a problem, and I like these friends very much, but it is a pattern. I just tend to be more comfortable around new boys than new girls.

With new people in general I'm always paranoid they find me terribly annoying and it's best I just leave them alone. And guys tend to be much more obvious and upfront about it if they don't like you, whereas girls are much quicker to be friendly to your face and then bitches behind your back.

What was that, Dr. Freud? Leftover issues from the evil elementary school kids? Why, whatever do you mean? So at least the boys would make fun of me overtly and push me down stairs and stuff (and not in the crush-on-you way, but in the "holy shit I hate your guts and this is as much harm as I can do to you without getting locked up" way) while the girls would say subversive things and banish me to my leper colony and tell my friends they shouldn't hang out with me. I don't see how any of this could stem from that. No, not at all.
And I thought this entry was going to be about me being restless and bored. Interesting. This is why for me writing is better therapy than therapy.
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