So I'm in a rut. Rut rut rut.

And while I can and will pull myself out of it, I would very much like to be pulled out of it by someone else for a change. I want Prince Charming to show up and say, "Oh, Annabell! I see you for who and what you truly are! Let us help one another on our way to great things and we will ooze wonderfulness together!" Anyone know Prince Charming? Or just some excellent male person with a hero complex? I need more people in my life with hero complexes.

I'm thinking about my trombonist friends because I saw a thing on PBS
about the big trombone concerto the CSO is premiering tonight. How are you, trombonist friends? For as much as I'm enjoying new friends, I miss my old friends. How are you, old friends?
P.S.- Fuck feminism.
Consider it fucked. I just saw to it in class.
The thing with people who have hero complexes is that they go around fixing things. Very bad, the fixers. Cute at the beginning, diddling all the wrong nobs by the end.
I'm just sayin'.
mmmmm... the wrong nobs....
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