Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Napster is a stupid butt

I'm trying to cancel my stupid Napster subscription but after 18 minutes on hold I got disconnected. This is how they get you: they don't let you unsubscribe. Ever. They steal your soul until you die.

I'm going back to the improv show thing tonight. Apparently we will be a party of 12. That is a big party. Some of them are going to a sports bar first, but with the Cubs game going on right next door and my lack of funds, I'm not meeting them until right before the show.

Still enjoying NBF's existence. We hung out and ran errands for a long time yesterday. It's fun learning new things about a new person, especially an interesting person.

I crossed a handful of things off my To Do list today. Good for me. Still more To Do (haha), but good that I'm working on it.

I signed onto the phone sex thing last night and got two calls but they lasted a total of about 11 minutes so after taking out the featured listing fees I only made $10. Still, I made $10. That's better than nothing, and today my "financial domination" listing was approved, so we'll see if anything comes of that. Yes, financial domination. I don't quite understand it, but there's apparently a market for "I'll make you pay 'til it hurts," and this whole experience is about doing something completely bizarre for writing purposes (ok, and now to make money in my time of unemployment). So I'll give it a shot. It's the only category in which girls get away with charging $50 a minute. Yes, $50 a minute. Not many, but more than one and they've got high ratings, meaning people really call. Crazy.

Stop laughing.

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