Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
shitty shitty bang bang
Dear Fiction teacher,
How much longer do we have to write trite, overly descriptive shit? Because
it is making me cranky.
I got about four lines into my in-class writing assignment today before I had to stop it and just start bitching in my journal.
"Now see an object. How does it affect your space? Describe your space. What other objects might be there? What characters would be in this space? What conversations might they have? Now get to the moment when something happens. Write that moment. What part does the object play in this moment? What images can you use from our one-word exercise? Now get to the next moment...."
I feel like this is a very good way for a very specific type of person to do a very specific type of writing. Otherwise, it produces adjective-heavy pieces of crap that reek of the hyper-conscious efforts going into them. It kills any sense of individual voice or style and leaves behind contrived doo-doo.
I need a drink.
Logic 101
I am too cold to do anything. I need to finish my dream story in time for class tonight, but my brain is frozen.
I've also come to the realization that I should drop my English department creative nonfiction class. They're planning to restructure the department next semester and split up the literature and workshop components of the class. If I wait a semester, it will be more likely to count towards either the new creative nonfiction major (which hopefully will exist as soon as they think it will) or as something more different from the class I have on Wednesdays. It's even on the one day I have two long-ass classes in a row, and would make my Mondays significantly more tolerable and give me plenty of time to go to the gym before class without waking up early and abandoning my dog for 13 hours. Also, it's only a three credit class and if I take tutoring for two credits instead of just one, I'll still be at the very respectable 14 credit hour mark. So why do I have to talk myself into this? Because everybody keeps telling me I'm crazy to take four writing classes and I kind of wanted to prove that I could do it. But I'm sure I could have done it, and that's not why I'm dropping what I'm dropping. It just doesn't make sense to keep it.
Why is it so fucking cold in here? Windows are closed and the radiator is on. This is unacceptable.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
guide me
I am hungry and need to find a bank and a bit of food before waddling my ass over to the gym. The personal trainer will be there and I plan to bug the hell out of him and learn how to be in-shape and sexy as hell. I went to the gym briefly yesterday but felt lost as to what to do, so I used the eliptical thing for 20 minutes and left. I think I'm just in a universal "guide me!" phase. I'll even listen and take your advice (at least a little bit).
Monday, January 22, 2007
You'll always be Husband #1 to me
Maybe I'll say more about this shit tomorrow, but right now I'm just completely drained and gassy and borderline-incoherent, so I will drink my beer and pass out on my dog.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Children of Motion Sickness

Friday, January 19, 2007
Lots of words without saying anything
Today I went laptop bag shopping with my mom and sister. I actually got them to come out to me, since I thought we'd have more luck at one of the many cute stores in my general area than we would out in the 'burbs.

I'm making headway on my alcoholism. I've been keeping my fridge stocked with quality beer and drinking about one a night at home alone. Right now I'm enjoying The Poet oatmeal stout. If I am lucky, the alcohol content will be enough to counteract my deep dark nap I took around 7 PM. Not the smartest move on my part. Sunday I have to be at work by 8 AM. Giant piece of poop. I can't be on this weird schedule of half-sleeping through the night then crashing late evening. And then school on Monday. What are the odds I actually make it to all of my classes this time? I've been very good with my improv classes, so I'm hoping that will carry over. No more hiding in my room and refusing to shower or leave. That is not one of the seven habits of highly effective people; it is one of the habits of useless depressed people. I want to be effective, not useless.
I Georged one of the steaks from my freezer tonight. It sucked. I need to figure out the practicalities of snacking and shopping for Healthy Annabell, now that I am trying to be healthy. You know, aside from that whole alcoholism thing.
May I please go to sleep now?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Quills and Spills?

On my way through the turnstile going into the El the heel of my very cute and only moderately impractical boots slipped on a wet patch and I went down, landing on my hands and knees and bumping my head on the turnstile. It sucked. I think I pulled a few somethings and bruised myself rather impressively. After I got myself up again the woman behind me pointed at my feet as if to say "that's what you get for wearing attractive shoes." I punched her in the face.
Monday, January 15, 2007
lower case

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Surrender, Dorothy

I'm very frustrated at my lack of cleaning initiative. I had expected today to be my post-migraine manic energy rush and left my schedule clear so that I could clean and do laundry. I did pay some bills and do a necessary Target run, but otherwise I sat on my fat ass and then hung out with NBF for longer than intended. He's very much my Benchley Du Jour. I annoy the living hell out of myself when it comes to boys and Boys and such.
Into love, and out again,
Thus I went, and thus I go.
Spare your voice, and hold your pen -
Well and bitterly I know
All the songs were ever sung,
All the words were ever said;
Could it be, when I was young,
Some one dropped me on my head?(Dorothy Parker)
I'm somewhat terrified to start school. I've been trying very hard to get my schedule straightened out (let's just say Nameless College isn't very organized or good at communication). It doesn't help that with classes starting the 22nd it feels very soon but far enough away for me to worry and stew. I want to get my hair cut and have my apartment be extremely clean and organized before then, too, but I'm doing that great thing where I freeze up and just want to play stupid computer games and sleep and poke my dog because I'm too overwhelmed by the task at hand. If you saw my apartment, you too would be overwhelmed. I just have to remember that this is so I can write. I have a purpose this time - a stated goal. Take classes to write. Get the degree to write. Clean my apartment to create a more productive atmosphere in which to write. I need a motivational poster with a sunset or a cat or something. Or maybe a picture of my mother with the caption "Fuck her, this one's for ME." Dorothy Parker also kept a messy apartment and never graduated from a fancy college and loved dogs. She also tried to kill herself a number of times and was an alcoholic. So perhaps she isn't the best role model, but I like what she produced.
Here's a thought: maybe if I really do "do it all for the writing," that's why I'm drawn to the pained pining sort of "love" instead of anything more practical or obtainable. No one wants to hear about your non-dramatic content relationship. Boooring. But "Ay, me!" is the birth of so much poetry.
If I ever have a daughter, her middle name may have to be Dorothy. My grandma is Dorothy, as is Ms. Parker. I'd make it a first name, but it's too ugly.
Monday, January 08, 2007
The good, the bad, and the conventional
- I showed up to my orientation and it was completely irrelevant that I was late and unregistered
- I registered for classes that are to start the 22nd
- I got into the creative non-fiction workshop even though it was listed as full and I'd already resigned myself to having to wait to take it
- I talked with a transcript evaluator and got my accepted credits bumped up from the 55 they originally took to 75, and once they get my AP scores I should only have to take two science classes and a history class to complete my non-major requirements
- I mapped out a potential plan for my entire future college courses, earning a BFA in Fiction Writing with a Creative Nonfiction concentration, and it's comfortably do-able in two years (assuming they offer things I need during summer sessions)
- They gave us lunch when we picked up our IDs at the end of the day
- I think I'm actually excited to start my classes
- Lean Cuisines were on sale at Jewel for $2 each
- Between oversleeping and going to the wrong building 5 blocks away, I was half an hour late for orientation and missed the free breakfast
- I may have to take a bunch of really stupid basic journalism classes to get to the magazine writing classes. I'm willing to do it, but it fills up my schedule with lots of things I'd rather skip
- The advisors only knew their own departments, so my journalism questions remained unanswered
- I have to pay a $25 "archive retrieval fee" to the stupid College Board people because my AP scores are more than 4 years old
- The only other person my age at the orientation has a 4-year-old baby
- I still know nothing about my U-Pass, health insurance, or gym availability
- The guy at Dunkin Donuts gave me a free donut, which sounds like a good thing and was very nice but I'm trying to be healthier and I ate it which is not healthier
- My migraine is still lurking. Low-grade, but lurking
- Since I significantly overslept, I didn't shower and my hair was a mess and I wore my glasses and looked like a complete schlep
- My ID photo. I looked crappier than I try to ever be in public, and then they took my picture for something I have to keep for the next two-ish years
- Your mom
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Yes, this is my third post today.
I just showered. That's a good sign for my crawling out of the migraine hole. My own stink was getting to me. I'll still shower in the morning, but I think the wafting stench is part of why I couldn't sleep on my first attempt. I'm also treating myself to some serious Biore stripping. I love these things. I'm attempting my greater cheek region for the first time. Those pores don't really looked clogged but they're quite big so we'll see. Be glad I don't have a digital camera with a really good macro lens because you know I would post the pictures of the gross little pore cloggies sticking up off the strip.
I owe people phone calls. I thought that's what this weekend would be for, but the migraine killed that plan. So people who know I should be calling: I haven't forgotten you.
Brain, brain, go away
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Not cancer

Friday, January 05, 2007
some stress, some shopping