Monday, April 16, 2007

crunchy time

I am taking the Activia challenge, which sounds much more impressive and proactive than it is. All it means is that I'm eating an overpriced yogurt every day for two weeks and hoping it makes my digestive system less fucked up.

I need more hours in a day. I finished my taxes but I have to go mail them and I haven't gone to the Verison store to deal with my phone yet, and my class starts in two hours. Perhaps more would have been accomplished had I not fallen back asleep for three hours this afternoon, but I'm back on the caffeine and haven't had my fix today. And my dog is in uber-whiny mode, which is a shame because he's just so cute and we had several good walks yesterday.

My internet is back up in my apartment, but I'm afraid to say anything lest I jinx it.

Sunny sent me this. Now I have to get married like 7 times.


Anonymous said...

those princess dresses are pretty freakin cool. the ones i like wouldn't work on my body. such is life.
keep us up to date on your poop schedule. you think i'm kidding. i'm really curious about that dang yogurt.

Annabell said...

Your wedding dress was pretty freakin cool, too. And I will mail you all of my poop for the next two weeks. Wait, no I won't. That would be gross.


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