Me: Why do you always assume you have to tell me what I should be doing and not that I'm already doing it?
Mom: Because you're not doing it.
Me: Yes I am.
Mom: Then why didn't you tell me you were doing it.
Me: Because I shouldn't always have to tell you that I'm doing it. The assumption should be that I am doing it.
Mom: But I need to hear it to believe it.
Me: So basically I need you to have faith in me and you need me to constantly tell you that your faith is deserved (never mind the better part of my 25 years having been spent proving it)?
Mom: Yes. Exactly.
And the moral of the story is: my mom thinking that I'm incompetent has nothing to do with my actual competence, but it definitely feeds into my own issues of failure. Yippee fucking skippee.
at times like these, i like to wonder, "w.w.l.s?" or "what would leifeste say?"
i know the answer to this one because we've actually had this conversation. leifeste would say, "why does she have to know what you're doing? it's none of her business what you're doing."
now that's good therapisting.
let me revise that. it would be more like "why do you have to tell her what you're doing? it's none of her business what you're doing."
it came out a little wrong the first time. and you know how we perfectionists are.
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