Thursday, November 15, 2007

colorblind taste test

If you don't give a shit about dogs in general or my dog or dog food in particular, just skip reading this post.

Towards the begnning of my Doggymamahood, I bought small bags of five different cheap to mid-priced dog foods. I put each in a bowl and set each of the five bowls down on my kitchen floor. My dog clearly went for the Beneful, so ever since then I got him Beneful.
Then we started going over to NBF's house, and my dog would eat NBF's dog's food like I'd been starving him at home. And there is always food in his bowl at home because he eats like a cat (whatever and whenever he feels like it, but he never eats that much). So I found out what NBF's dog was eating and we, too, began buying grocery store top-shelf Purina One Natural Blends Chicken and Oatmeal Formula.
Just a few weeks ago, when I was dying with the first terrible week of this fucking migraine, I made NBF drive me to Walgreens for my prescriptions, some Draino, and dog food. The only brand they had was Best Friends Gourmet Dog Food, so for a week my dog ate Best Friends Gourmet Dog Food.
Then my mom came out and took me grocery shopping. They only had a fairly small bag of the Purina One Natural Blends Chicken and Oatmeal, so my mom, looking to see if they had a big bag elsewhere, came across the Purina One Total Nutrition Chicken and Rice and said she'd found it. Even in the small bag the Total Nutrition was significantly cheaper, and my head wasn't working and my mom was trying to work out the math and logic and we ended up with one bag of the Natural Blends and one bag of Total Nutrition, the idea being that I'd see if my dog liked the regular anywhere near as much as the natural.
Tonight, I did the official taste test. Three equal-sized piles of each of the three foods (Best Friends Gourmet - Beef, Purina One Natural Blends Chicken and Oatmeal, and Purina One Total Nutrition Chicken and Rice) right next to each other so he couldn't just happen upon one first.
Not only did he eat all of the Total Nutrition first, he then picked through and ate out the few pieces of Total Nutrition that had gotten into the Natural Blends pile. Then he snubbed the other two piles completely and stared at me with that "Want more! Feed me!" face. I took another fistful of the Total Nutrition and mixed it in with the other two piles, and again he stared picking through the other two foods to find the pieces of the Total Nutrition. I think we have our new winner.

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