And it was. For over an hour. Distracting from the ouchies and even melting away some of the pain. I need to do that more often. Maybe get some essential oils or something. I threw in some Epsom salts for good measure since I had them sitting right there. Awesome.
Now the computer is starting to bother me again, but I'm using it in my dining room and I had this picture of myself silhouetted in the window by the glow of the screen with one of my newfound male admirers walking past on the street*, looking up, not knowing it's me but still being struck by the image. I also had something Japanese and entirely unrelated playing in my head, but the strangest thing about my thought process at that moment was how aware I was of exactly two of my channels. I'm surprised I didn't have "The Little Mermaid" soundtrack playing and several different ideas for things I should feed myself before going to sleep and who knows what else as well.
Ugh. I stopped making sense. Back to sleep.
*entirely probable now that they all live in my neighborhood. does this mean no more rolling out of bed and walking the dog without changing or brushing my hair?
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