[my computer sounds like it's sizzling. that can't be good. dog hair in the fan?]
For biofeedback, they hook up various muscles in my head and neck to a monitor that shows how tight or relaxed they are, and my finger up to a thermometer. I've already mastered making my hand temperature rise just by thinking about it within minutes, which is pretty friggin' cool. Plus, it feels like some of the internal glurping stuff I used to describe during acupuncture, but now there's machines hooked up that show a difference in my body. Today's muscles were in my temples and jaw. I thought jaw would be the big clenched culprit, but I figured out how to relax it pretty quickly. Temples not so much, so we're working on that again next week.
I left in a hypnotic fuzz, but I needed to stop at Target. I didn't get a rolly cart, just a hand basket, thinking I was only picking up a few things and none of them were heavy. Except milk, and I'd get that last. I wanted more Epsom salts for my own baths, but they only had a huge container. Then I realized this particular Target had full grocery so I had to get a bazillion other heavy things and waddle like a dork to the cash register, weighed down by my gazillion pound basket. When I got home, I realized I'd made it there without the bag that contained one of the major items for which I went to Target in the first place.
Then I broke one of the bobeche of my chandelier just as I finally got everything I needed to finish fixing it up and actually figured out how to fix it with all the wiring and everything (nevermind attaching it to the ceiling, but getting its own sockets and lightbulbs all wired and happy, I'm set).
Dog joined me for Target Run 2 followed by Epic Naps 1 and 2 since I just couldn't stay awake. Lame. Extra lame because...
Neighbor Guy called me yesterday to say that Possible Boy was talking about me again and hoping I wasn't jealous of the other girl and saying how pretty I looked and blah blah blah and that Possible Boy was probably going to call me, but then I was ouchy-dead and not really able to talk to Neighbor Guy and the thing about Neighbor Guy is that you never know if what he's saying happened in reality or in his head. I'm a little worried he's (non-consciously) trying to pull me into his Pining for Possible Boy Club. But I also refuse to contribute to Neighbor Guy as messenger for the torrid love triangle (SO TORRID) for both the sake of Neighbor Guy's emotions and the sake of the message. I explained to Birdie, Neighbor Guy is like a little kid-you tell him something, and he might relate back what you said, but he also might warp it so it means something completely different or just talk about firetrucks. So I really wanted to call him back today with my wits about me. No such luck. And tomorrow is the Museum of Science and Industry's Members' Night and I want to go and if Possible Boy had called me I would have invited him but he didn't and I don't want to do all the pursuing since I already get a sense he's a boy who likes being pursued and I don't want to be a pursuant for the sake of pursuit and I already called him once. So if I can stay awake tomorrow, we'll see what the day brings.
I still haven't contacted Another Boy. What are the formulas? How long am I "supposed to" wait? Do I have to rent Swingers again?
This part of the boy game is hard. I'm much better at melodrama and fooling around.
1 comment:
we freakin love biofeedback here at the hot dog house. when we are there in your awesome living space, you will have to tell husband all about it.
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