Rain outside, rain in head. Rain makes me sleep too much. Can't concentrate. Can't think.

Last night was another adventure of Annabell + Boys. NBF's friends who live by me who I shtupped one of their brothers, the one whose brother I did not shtup. He reminds Birdie of James Spader. I wish he reminded me of James Spader, because James Spader is incredibly hot and I want to shtup real James Spader but I don't want to shtup fake James Spader and fake James Spader gets added to the list of Boys Who Want To Shtup Me. He's one I feel bad about, since I've been trying my best
not to lead him on. He's a nice guy and I only invite him out in groups, but I'm always the only one he knows in the group or we end up just the two of us. He's a nice guy. Did I mention that? He's just exactly all the things I'm finally learning not to be.

Outside. Rain and sun. In my nap dream there was a rainbow at night. It was new years 2010 and Obama and the White House were in Chicago somehow and my immediate family got to go to the government New Years Ball and Hilary Clinton was announcing her resignation because their family was about to be indited for an international imbezzling scheme that existed so that Bill could bring over his mistress who was a foreign prostitute. Then the power went nutty at the White House and we were watching a presentation in a theater but the seats kept going back and the gravity got all messed up and we were all freaked out and had to hang onto our seats so we wouldn't go crashing to the walls and my family started climbing towards the aisles to evacuate but I thought I should hang on and stick around inside the auditorium to see what happened. It turned out the whole thing was part of a terrorist attack and the Sears Tower had been hit and moved but not destroyed by the blast. Later I was outside with my dad and we ended up getting cornered by terrorists and they were going to kill him but I was crying and pleading and he thought he could talk his way out of it but the only thing that was getting their attention was me and I was stalling until we could make a break for it down a corridor.
Based on the current location of the sun and the rain, I should be the rainbow.
I was with James Spader and my boardgames guru friend post-wordgames at my coffee shop event last night when we decided to go next door to the bar for a drink and who should be there but Neighbor Guy and Possible Boy. I'd heard from neither of them in a week. So, boysboysboysboysboys.
Aaaaand, fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz says the head. Maybe I'm hungry. Where's my leftover Indian food.

Did I ever talk about Hot Dog Sam and her husband coming to visit? Ugh. I feel very heavy in the head today. Trying to convince myself to do things is even harder when I'm wearing an invisible lead
Carmen Miranda hat.
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