Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm catching up on my Daily Show and Colbert Report tonight after an extremely productive though not visibly lucrative day.
February 4, Henry Louis Gates was on. He's the Harvard professor who got arrested on suspision of breaking into his own home and then people were yelling "racism" in every direction and Obama got involved and eventually the media blitzed the "beer summit" on the White House lawn like it was an actual peace talk between races.
In all of the hubbub and the hoopla surrounding his erroneous arrest, all I heard was that he was a professor at Harvard. Turns out, he studies histories of/through people's DNA, mapping out bloodlines and relations and all the crazy fun intermingling that makes America what it is. I wonder if he mapped out the bloodlines of the guy who arrested him, Obama, and any particularly annoying reporters, just to see if they were his distant cousins.

February 3 Colbert had on a guy who promotes a "caveman lifestyle." The guy seemed like an annoying dick, but at the end he was talking about his "ideal woman" being a carnivorous lactose-intolerant with celiac. Basically, all the things I can't eat. I felt like writing in and saying "I'm your perfect woman but you seem like a self-righteous schmuck. Go fuck yourself."

So hostile. Must be bedtime.

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