Saturday, August 26, 2006

Highlights from my poetry journal I kept when I was 10

Note: All original spelling with corrections to red words below in blue for clarification

Mr Mocho east garspocho
Miss Wimp eats shrimp
Prinses Di eats rey
But Mr Bost wont eat his toast!
Macho, eats, garspacho, Princess, rye, Boast, won't

day by day
month by month
year by year
I live my life
year by year
month by month
day by day


I bite my nails
she picks her nose
He raps to much
she sings opra
He talks back
she files and lies
He brags and
Were od
We're queer, We're odd

Birthday, birthday, birthday cake
Ice cream, ice cream, belly ache

Tests are anoying,
Tests stink
If tests keep going
I won't
EVER sleep a wink.
After we have 2 tests in a row
my haterid for tests
begins to show
Tests are stupid
Tests are a bore,
If tests go away
people might live more

Girls are wonderful,
Boys I hate,
Men are nice
and babys are great
brothers are medeocher
Sisters are o.k.
and mothers you could discribe in any way
and shown by any test
I'm the best

Sunburn on my sholder
a small bump on my nose
and moles and freckles
from my head to my toes
rists like twigs
feet that turn in
I'm a lopsided girl,
skiny as a pin.

Howcome I can find the bad side
but I can't find the good?
Howcome I do the wright thing
and it doesn't seem like I should?
Howcome I do something
and it doesn't work out?
Howcome when I'm sitting still
my mind is all about?
Howcome my mind is in a whirl?
It's because I'm no avrage girl.

I turned and saw
a little man with an open jaw.
"I am very sorry to stare,
It's just your trousers are over your
I come from a family that does things odd."
and his underwear are over his trousers
and a shirt that says TODD

a secret place to keep my thaughts
so my mind isen't lost
My Diary

to sore and
And start
High altatude
at a very
until your
to go up,
And you start
The moater starts

When the sun is down
and your down,
When the silence is scared
and your scared,
When it is dark
and you feel dark,

It's a long road home,
But I've got to take it
My friends are on
a distant street
as I travel on.
This is the way
to feeling strong
the way to feeling good, and the place
to do my deed.
I've been on this road.

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