Yesterday my improv class was excellent. We did a lot of "good work," concentrating on "heightening" our stories/scenes and "giving." One classmate reaffirmed himself as deadweight in everything he's a part of and another still annoys the hell out of me, but we all seemed to be listening better and that was very nice. I'm still quite self-critical, especially since I can look at everything I do

three minutes later and come up with half a dozen ways I could have done it better, but I suppose in time I'll be able to come up with the half a dozen improvements
before the scene ends and be a half a dozen times better. Example: annoying girl was playing the same hyperactive scared upset character she always plays. During the scene, I kept trying to calm her down (mostly because I was trying to get her to change her emotion and actually have some sort of realistic character...silly me), but it would have been much better had I decided to fuck with her and calmly give her more reasons to be scared. Hindsight, my friends, hindsight. Need to see it faster.
I also think the class may have been so good because of the absence of one of our members. Which is too bad, because he's actually quite good and funny and I like him a lot*, but he's fairly loud and changes the tenor of the class. Hmm...

Today, I WORKED! For MONEY! I handed out about 1500 free samples to people at the air and water show near the beach. It was remarkably easy and reasonably fun. The other people who do the promo work seem to mostly be the unintelligent/no marketable skills end of the frat boy and sorority girl types, but whatever. Many of them were perfectly nice, I don't need to make best friends, and I can be smiley and friendly to anyone (if I have to be) for a short amount of time with extremely limited conversation/interaction. Besides, the weather was beautiful and we finished in about two hours, even though we were scheduled to work for four. I just need more of these gigs until I get a real job or start school again.
I wrote a pitch for my phone sex article and sent it to three men's magazines last night. It would be very nice if something came** of that, even if just to justify my "research." Sure, fame and fortune would be good, too, but it's hard to prove my motivations without a tangible product. I also have to figure out how to juggle all of my names and alter-egos and such, now that I have my phone sex name, my pen name, and my legal name all floating around. Why am I so good at overcomplicating things for myself? Oh, right, because it makes me feel important and special. Impecial.
*no, not like him like him.
1 comment:
the summer i was at the art institute, there were people at the corner with huge rubbermaid tubs, giving free samples of the "new" rice krispy treat.
everyone loves the promo people!!
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