Maybe I have allergies. Either that or West Nile Birdthrax.* Is it possible to not have environmental allergies your entire life and then for them to suddenly show up? Because my nose is just so itchy without being really clogged and my throat has this constant dull ache thing going. I almost threw up, too, but was able to stop myself (years of dyspeptic experience). I guess the pukey thing is more likely to be
not allergies. The only allergy medicine I have in my apartment is the dog's. He's getting good at eating whatever I hide the pills in without eating the pills. He's a clever little beast. Got an entire piece of raisin bread and a small wad of butter before the whole pill made it down. And this is a tiny little pill. Maybe his allergies were contagious. That'd be fucked up.
Conversation I had today:
NBF: What are you doing Friday around 1:30?
Me: I don't know, nothing. Why?
NBF: Then you are going to a CUBS GAME.
Me: Ooh! Yay! Sounds good. I mean, if you're going to twist my arm about it...
NBF: Good, because I already got us tickets.
Can you believe I've lived less than a mile from Wrigley for over a year but haven't gone to a game since my triumphant Chicagoland return? I am excited.
If I'm still feeling crappy tomorrow, I'm escaping. I don't care. Even if I just apply at another Target, I need to get out of this place.
*New disease I just made up that results from when a West Nile mosquito bites an avian flu bird that was exposed to anthrax. Obvi.
i think the allergy thing is totally possible. you don't get an allergic reaction until you are exposed to something more than once, so maybe your system's had about enough of something. whatever something is. not that you don't know anything about allergies.
is it itchy inside your ears? 'cause that's the absolute WORST.
No ear itchies, just nose and throat. And I have the chills like nobody's business. Just...so...cold...
oh. that does sound like birdthrax.
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