Can't sleep. Probably slept too much during the day. So I'm checking around websites to figure out if I have a cold, the flu, allergies, or what.
So far I have: Pharyngitis, Mononucleosis, and/or allergic Rhinitis. Actually, the mono symptoms are pretty much dead-on, but I have absolutely no idea where I would have gotten mono and I'm more likely having severe hypochondria. Maybe this whole thing is in my head. Then perhaps I can will myself healthy. That would be nice, since I'm restless.
Will will will will will...
1 comment:
mono is a tricky beast! it has quite the incubation period, and even then, it may not pop up for months, years, or EVER. so, if you do have mono, you could have been carrying it for quite some time without knowing.
terrifying! :)
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