Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray today. I guess it was bound to happen, considering he poked extremely dangerous animals for a living, but it's still a sad loss for humanity. I'm not sure if it's a loss or a blessing for the animals.
Last night I successfully digested steak, but today's alfredo pasta dish lunch didn't do so well. I'm much better, but it'd be nice to actually be healthy again.
For all the pressure I already put on myself to get a job, I feel the pressure from my parents (particularly the female one) a bazillion-fold more. It's excruciatingly frustrating. She makes it as much her problem as my own, but I can't tell her to fuck off because they're supporting me. I'm not actually a heavy financial burden, but it's only natural to want a hand in anything you're helping to finance, and once you add in the whole maternal thing it's clear: I'd better get used to it. Or, even better, get a job, but I'm already doing what I can on that end.

I got one extremely cute and one reasonably cute shirt at Loemann's with my mom. And then I went to DSW by myself and paid 16 cents for really cute Van Eli black backless slip-on "dress sandals." How were they 16 cents, you ask? Well they started at $85 retail, then DSW had them for $59.89, then they went on clearance at 40% off (bringing them to $35.94), and then you add in the Labor Day extra 30% off and they're $25.16. I had a $25 gift certificate, leaving $0.16 all I had to pay. They weren't
quite the shoes I needed
, but they fit wonderfully and are comfortable and completely fabulous and they aren't redundant of any shoes I already own.
Most of my sentences this entry have been in the form of "Blah blah blah, but bleh bleh bleh." I seem to be in a qualifying/negating sort of mood.
i've heard that the austrailian government is offering to give his funeral. he's done a lot for the country and for conservation. v. sad news, and very strange, as death-by-ray (my favorite sea creature) is really rare.
as hds said, those rays arent normally killers. they are nice and docile for the most part. thats irony for you. makes me think how i swam with the rays in their reef. then again, most people get a barb to the foot.just freakish
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