I am a bad person because I am glad the Bears lost the Super Bowl. Not that I have anything against the Bears or for the Colts, but Chicago had gone completely insane. Bars were hiring Lovie Smith
look-alikes in the middle of the week as some sort of attraction. The downtown skyline was littered with orange and blue lights and entire buildings lit up to say things like "Bear down Bears." Even the alternative radio station was making Bears comments between songs. Sports apathy is hard enough to pull off in this city when all our teams suck. Any more Bear-mania and I would have had to start wearing
pink. And I HATE
I am typing with gloves on. It is not easy, as these are fuzzy gloves, but it is very cold in my apartment (even with the radiators going) and even colder outside. I can't think in this weather. I just want to sleep. Besides, I'm sick and freezingness does not help. I should be writing my stuff for class for both tomorrow and Wednesday, since Tuesday is the big gala event at work and I will be running my ass off all day and night. My nose gets very cold. I should knit myself some sort of nose-warming garment. Or just bury my face in my dog. Yay warm dog.
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