One of the idiots in my class showed up completely baked out of his mind. What an asshole. You could watch the cloud of stoned-ness slowly lift over the course of the four hour class until by the end he could actually respond to what was going on around him. I hope to hell our teacher has words with him, but I know he won't.
Even though I missed last week's class, I made sure to get this week's assignment and turned it in and did my reading. Apparently a lot of people were sick, but I was the only one who even contacted the teacher. Of the 8ish people who were in class, two did the reading. So now we have to write reading responses every week to prove we're doing it. Pain in my ass, and I actually have been keeping up. You know you're truly at Clown College when I am the best student in class. And a goodly portion of my classmates can't construct a proper sentence. It's one thing to choose to use improper English, but entirely another when subject-verb agreement randomly falls apart throughout the story.

1 comment:
spark people is good for the obsessive. or that's what i tell myself.
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