A) Fight the funk
Course of action: Get out as much as possible. Keep busy. GoGoGo!
Pros: Productive and distracting, could be I just need jump-starting to get away from the funk altogether.
Cons: Problem? There's no problem! I am fine. LALALA don't you DARE tell me otherwise.
B) Live the funk
Course of action: Crawl into bed whenever possible, read and write and watch tv a lot, snuggle dog
Pros: I tend to get more writing done within the funk, and perhaps accepting while it's here is the key to eventually moving on instead of digging myself deeper with the whole feeling-guilty-for-feeling-bad thing.
Cons: Wallowing in self-pity is not generally recommended, could mean I just stay stagnant in the rut
C) Funky waffle
Course of action: Crawl into bed but feel guilty for not doing something else and get mad at myself thus paralyzing me further.
Pros: I'm already doing it, a good use for maple syrup
Cons: Makes me really miserable really fast and oh the guilt the guilt the guilt!
So, what to do? You tell me. Until then, I'll be in bed with a side of hash browns.
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