About 20 minutes ago I realized I don't actually have my improv class tomorrow. "Independence Day break." I was really looking forward to it, too. I emailed everyone to see if they wanted to do something in the afternoon, anyway, but considering only maybe four of us actually live in the city, I don't expect a positive response. Maybe I'll call a friend to play. I've had enough family time but I think it's good that I spend time with people right now. Keeps me from slipping into my old depression habits while the sadness is still looming.
FAUTE DE MIEUXThe poem that seems currently most appropriate:
Travel, trouble, music art,
A kiss, a frock, a rhyme--
I never said they feed my heart
But still they pass my time.
I could go on and on. Oh, Dorothy, perhaps I shall read you until I go to sleep.CONDOLENCE
They hurried here, as soon as you had died,
Their faces damp with haste and sympathy,
And pressed my hand in theirs, and smoothed my knee,
And clicked their tongues, and watched me, mournful-eyed.
Gently they told me of that Other Side-
How, even then, you waited there for me,
And what ecstatic meeting ours would be.
Moved by the lovely tale, they broke, and cried.
And when I smiled, they told me I was brave,
And they rejoiced that I was comforted,
And left to tell of all the help they gave.
But I had smiled to think how you, the dead,
So curiously preoccupied and grave,
Would laugh, could you have heard the things they said.
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