Friday, June 09, 2006

Yes I am the biggest dork ever

Today, I ran errands. Very exciting. I got my dog's nails trimmed, which was a rather intense ordeal as I had to use all four of my limbs to hold him still and keep him calm while the woman went after his paws. He's always insane and skiddish around strangers, but he also has extremely long quicks* so it's easy to hurt him with the clippers. His allergies have also been really bad lately, which I'm guessing is why he's been particularly nuts. Can't help that I'm around all day, too, and he's not used to that. But then he curls up in a little ball in my lap and I can't help but love him. Shut up, I know I'm being corny.

At Target I got a Swiss army-style knife for a dollar, as well as a dog harness, also for a dollar. Very exciting. The knife thing has a Phillips-head screwdriver that actually fits the screws on my computer, so perhaps after I'm done posting this I will take my laptop apart and see if I can clean out the CD-drive, which hasn't been working and I suspect it has something to do with dog hair. I cleaned out other portions of my laptop the other day and the sheer quantity of hair and grossness was amazing. For those of you who remember my attacking rollerball mice, you can probably imagine the excitement I get from pulling furballs out from around my memory card.

My grandfather is back in the hospital. Nothing particularly serious, but still no fun. When I get old and start falling apart, either drug me into oblivion or pull the plug. Frailty does not look like fun.

I have my improv class tomorrow. Yay.

As they say, "I'm late." Damn immaculate conception.

*I never knew what "quicks" were before, but it suddenly makes the expression "cut to the quick" a lot more logical.

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