Migraine went away, now the pressure's back a bit but only a bit so I can't complain. Oh, wait, I can ALWAYS complain. I'm talented like that.

College friend who does not yet have a code name is coming Friday on his way through to work a music festival in Wyoming. I am excited. This is also just the inspiration I need to call the cleaning service people and actually use my birthday present from my parents so that maybe he won't cry when he sees my apartment. He's been here before, but right now it is particularly bad again. There's mold in my bathtub. It's gross.
Dog's chewing on himself again. I need to drag him back to the vet because his allergy pills tend to make him throw up but he's clearly quite itchy and snarffly. Poor little creature.
My friends (with the exception of E, who is clearly very good at maintaining communication) have all stopped updating their blogs. Is it due to my personal blogging plight? Or do they just suck? [Hint hint hint.]
1 comment:
I just put two metric buttloads of backdated posts up on my livejournal. They're full of pretty pictures.
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