I hereby dub one of my female college friends "Sunny" (unless she requests otherwise) for her solar-cell fetish and glowing personality. Her boyfriend has a thing for mosquitos but I fear calling him "Buggy" might give the wrong impression, so for now he'll just be "Sunny's boyfriend."

Sunny's boyfriend (who I know a little bit and like) is asleep on my floor. Sunny called last night and we both actually had the time to talk for the first time in weeks when completely randomly he text messaged her asking for my phone number. Apparently he was stuck at O'Hare after his connecting flight left before his storm-delayed plane arrived and they weren't flying him out until 1 PM the next day. I was wide awake and more than happy to have a diversion from
Word Racer and general mental and emotional dwelling, so I picked him up at 1 AM at the airport. I was giving him the quick in-car neighborhood tour and pointed out my favorite diner.
"Want to go? I haven't eaten since 4," quoth he.*
We all know how much arm twisting it takes to get me to a diner late at night.

Even though my dog had been in the car with us, the second Sunny's boyfriend stepped foot in my apartment, he went ape-shit. The dog, not Sunny's boyfriend. Barked his fucking head off and actually tried to bite Sunny's boyfriend. I locked him in his crate. Still barked like crazy. The only time he'd shut up is when I'd be holding him or looking him right in the face from just outside his crate. Not good at 3 AM. I feel bad for the neighbors (or at least the neighbors who aren't the nice but idiotic pseudo-frat boy across the hall from me while he does his summer internship in Chicago). I ended up having to bring the damn dog into the bathroom with me while I washed up and brushed my teeth and then re-locking him up for the night because I don't trust him to not try to attack Sunny's boyfriend in his sleep.

I need a shower really badly. Yesterday when I was going to shower before going back to my aunt's for shiva the hot water was brown. Not just for a minute until it ran through and not just in one faucet. So no shower. I'd shower now (the water is back to normal) but I fully intend on falling back asleep as soon as I'm done writing and my hair would end up sideways. Maybe I can wring the grease out of myself instead.
Last night at my aunt's house my sister was cranky and bitchy. She hates mingling with people she doesn't know well and was tired and sick of being with the family. I ended up talking a lot to my 16-year-old cousin who is extremely awkward but a good kid and his immediate family treats him like crap and everybody else ignores him so I felt bad. I also got to spend a little more time with my 29-year-old boy twin cousin with whom I frequently share glances and eye-rolls at family functions. I often feel like we're the only ones able to see in three dimensions. It's not that we don't both love the whole family and operate within the accepted and expected parameters, but we are able to see those parameters and beyond them. That sounds really elitist, but then again, I'm really elitist.
Hmm...the boyfriend's alarm just went off. And here I'd hoped to go back to bed and sleep another hour now. Still, nice to have a person around, even a person who prompts the dog to go psycho.
*Quotes and "he said" always sounds so weird and formal in a blog, but "He was like, 'want to go?'" just sounds dumb in writing, so fuck it, I'm going hyper-formal. Black tie, if you will.
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