Humid and uncomfortable, even in my apartment with the AC and fan going. Should break into rain soon, which is good, because I feel the pressure in my head and it's not exactly pleasant.
Had my improv class today. I was late thanks to the stupid work they're doing on the stupid El. It's scheduled to go on for the next four years, so I should probably learn to plan around it. Very annoying. Class was good. Our regular teacher was back and we did "environment work." Lots of pantomiming crap and being "aware of the space" and such. Probably a bunch of BS, but you can't see the light unless you drink the Kool-Aid. BB was still being very friendly. I hate that when guys get like that and you don't have a more direct reason for disinterest than "I think your boring and unappealing" you end up having to choose between acting cold/bitchy and risking "leading him on." I went for the cold/bitchy method, and I think by the end of the day he got the point because he emailed me again but this time said "I hope we as a class can get together and see a play some time in the coming week." Yay for the phrase "as a class." No problem hanging out with him with other people around--he seems like a nice guy--it was just the trying to spend time just the two of us that I wasn't so keen on.
I went out for food with people again after class. Almost the same group as last week but without the 42-year-old aluminum guy (he was at a wedding) and another one of the females from the class came. She's 22 and just graduated some small college around here with a degree in psychology. She was actually the first person I talked to the very first day while waiting for the class to start, but I still don't have much of a sense of her. We ended up at some small bar & grill sort of place after both Mexican restaurants on the block were closed, and the food was surprisingly good. I had a steak sandwich on a burger bun and we shared this fantastic goat cheese appetizer thing. Not cheap, but totally reasonable for the quantity and quality of the food and I had a Blue Moon, which is the perfect hot summer day beer.
Turns out the Model is also quite intelligent, and she has the same kind of crazy lucid dreams I do. It was very exciting being able to talk about the awake frustrations of not being able to fly places and having a secondary semi-static reality that people don't understand. One of those conversations where both parties keep saying "Exactly!"
I got one of those BikiniTouch trimmer things for $5 at Walgreens, but I put in the battery and nothing happened. Tried a different battery, still nothing. It came with a "60 day limited warranty," so I was going to send it back for one that works, but the "postage and handling" fee is $6. It'd be cheaper just to buy another one. So annoying.
I think my dog melted. (That sounds like the set-up for a joke..."Yeah, now he's a big wet poodle." Oy.)
1 comment:
You do remember the eyebrow shaping incident, don't you?
Maybe there was a reason the BikiniTouch trimmer didn't work...
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